The goal of the St. Peter and St. Paul Youth Program is to provide an environment which encourages and strengthens our children’s relationship with Christ and His Church, while fostering a life-long commitment to the Orthodox faith. Serving over 30 families and 60 students, we provide the following programs and activities:
Church School: Our Church School program begins each September and runs through early June. Classes are provided free of charge for all children in PreK through High School. Class meets at the end of Liturgy until 12:00pm each Sunday, except for a few holidays. In an effort to teach our students to share Christ’s love and help those in need, we encourage them to participate in several service projects organized for them throughout the year. Church School students are also provided the opportunity to be a part of our annual Christmas program, and those with good attendance are invited to an end-of-year party.
Children’s Choir: Children in 3rd grade and up are invited to participate in the Children’s Choir, which joins in singing responses during Liturgy on the third Sunday of each month. Rehearsals for the Children’s Choir take place the evening before, immediately following Great Vespers
Youth Group: Students in 7th-12th grade are invited to be a part of Youth Group. Youth Group is designed not only to help spiritually grow our teens, but also to give them an environment in which they can have fun with each other and get to know each other better. Monthly meetings and fun activities are planned throughout the school year
Altar Boys: Any boy who is interested in becoming an altar boy should contact Fr. Herman. Serving our Lord in His altar is a privilege and honor. We hope to inspire our young men to seek out priestly vocations and committed service to Christ for the building up of His Body.
Handmaidens: Any girl in third grade or above is welcome to join this group. The Handmaidens’ primary responsibility during the service is to gather the collection and help with Zapifkaantidoron (blessed bread) and wine offered at the end of Liturgy.